Golden Tile

Golden Tile Group is a leading ceramic tile producer and distributor in Ukraine. «Golden Tile» is a vertically integrated group that comprises Kharkiv Tile Plant» CJSC, «Shakhtobud» Clay resource company and «Golden Tile» LLC.

Kharkiv Tile Plant has been the leader in ceramic tile industry for 60 years. Since 2005 the enterprise has started the process of inte grated upgrading having launched four new Sacmi monoporoza lines with production capacity of10mln m2, two new floor lines with production capacity of 5mln m2 and one Kemak line for the production of decor elements with annual capacity of 0,5 mln m2. The plant’s facilities allow producing tiles of various nominal sizes. Presently the production capacity of the plant is 15,5mln m2 of finished goods. The modernization of the plant will be fully completed in 2010. Total annual capacity of Kharkiv Tile Plant will reach 37 mln m2.

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In Europe, Kyiv, Manufacturers, Ukraine
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